
“Your Own from Your Own”

January 2025

Dear Holy Cross Family,

With our church, we often imagine only what is humanly possible, but if we do our part in faith, God will lovingly return to us much more than we could ever imagine. This is the true meaning of “Your own from Your own.” We will see our church, not as it is, but as it could be, with our humble gifts multiplied by God’s generosity and love.

This past year we initiated ministry programs in the areas of Youth, Seniors and Outreach. We of course will continue to enhance our current ministry programs. Last year we began new ministries such as weekly Bible study, fellowship for our beloved seniors, participation in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Junior Olympics, the HOPE program that is a ministry for children 4-6 years of age (Holy Orthodox Primary Education), volleyball and the Mommy & Me program. In the coming year we hope to expand our beloved day school, the Stars Academy of Holy Cross. We ask you to support these worthy ministries with your pledge.

Giving to His Church is a way to thank God for His grace and generosity. The question is not, “What are the dues?” but “How can I thank God for my many blessings?” We see our church, not as it is, but as it could be. We offer our treasure and ourselves sacrificially, so that, as members of the Body of Christ, we may reach our full potential in Him.

Please give prayerful consideration to the commitment you are making. A check mailed to the church or a donation online is most meaningful when accompanied by your presence, by your willingness to serve, by your prayers, and by your commitment. Giving is not a substitute for commitment – it is an expression of your commitment and an expression of thanks for the many blessings in your life.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Nicholas